The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers is a group of volunteer Rotarians who provide technical expertise and advice to Rotarians planning and carrying out Rotary grant projects around the world.

View the October 2013 Tech Talk Newsletter.


Cadre members review, monitor, and evaluate projects and ensure grant funds are being used properly. Our assignments include:

  • Technical reviews. Cadre members evaluate the technical feasibility of a project and submit a written evaluation. Reviewers don’t travel or communicate with the project sponsors.
  • Site visits. An advance site visitor evaluates the technical feasibility of a proposed project. An interim monitor reports on the implementation of an ongoing project. A post project monitor evaluates the impact and resolution of a completed project. For these assignments, cadre members travel to the project site and meet with the project sponsors and the benefiting community.
  • Audits. Auditors evaluate the financial management and oversight of grant funds. Audits can be targeted or random. Cadre members travel to the project site and meet with the project sponsors and the benefiting community.
  • Operational audits. Cadre members assess the controls grant sponsors have to ensure qualification. This involves evaluating financial books, records, and documentation.


Find out more about the cadre.