Simply go to this link: https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-magazine and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Follow the directions in the blue box section entitled "Subscribe to Rotary magazine". There, you will be directed to a simple name & address form to switch your subscription from paper to digital.
Note: the switch to digital will take effect after the next semi-annual billing date which will occur on 1 July and 1 January of each year. Depending on when you place your switch order, you could wait as long as six months before you see the change.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there advantages to going digital?
Absolutely! First, you are helping the environment, saving trees, reducing pollution due to processing and transportation and reducing landfill when the paper magazines are disposed of. Second, you save Rotary International considerable money in materials, printing and distribution. Third, the digital editions are easily searched for topics of interest and old issues can be viewed as well.
Do I save money?
No. Rotary charges $1 US to members on the semiannual bill which is a small fraction of the actual cost of producing the magazine. That fee will continue whichever format the user selects.
Do I need to have a login name on rotary.org before I can make the switch?
No. Rotary simply needs your name, address and email on the form. Member ID is optional and you do not need to be logged into Rotary.
What if I don't have an email address?
The online form requires an email. If you do not have an email address, call the circulation department at (866)-976-8279
How long does it take before I can read an issue?
Give your signup form 24 hr. to process.
How do I read an issue?
Go to the link at the top of this article (bookmark it for future use). You will login to the reader by using the same email address you entered in the signup form.
What if I have a problem or need to make a change?
Contact the circulation department, data@rotary.org or call (866)-976-8279