Water Project - $40,500 USD Todos Santos, 2021/22
This small, rural village located in the western highlands of Guatemala lacked sufficient clean water, and in 2021 Hand Up working in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Huehuetenango installed new latrines and a hand wash station at the school, and two new water cisterns, replacing one small cistern and an open-air pit.
Economic Project - $ 40,600 USD Santa Cruz, 2023
Hand Up is partnered with the Rotary E-CLub Lake Atitlan and is working with an NGO, Amigos de Santa Cruz, to provide economic development to 50 women in the villages of Santa Cruz la Laguna. Training, equipment, and supplies are being provided so that the women may establish their own businesses. They include: raising chickens and selling eggs, growing and selling oyster mushrooms, making oyster mushroom burgers and other foods, making honey and honey by-products, and making soaps and shampoos.
Perched on the steep slopes of the volcanic crater forming Lake Atitlán, many of the Santa Cruz communities can only be accessed by boat or, with difficulty, by rudimentary roads. Santa Cruz’s four lower communities of Tzununa, Tzanjomel, Jaibalito, and Santa Cruz Village are close to Lake Atitlán’s shore. The three upper communities of Chuitzanchaj, Pajomel, and Laguna Seca are a two-hour hike straight up the mountainside from the lake or accessed by basic roads on the far side of the ridge. Due to this difficult terrain, Santa Cruz was largely cut off from education and economic opportunities available in larger population centers.
Water Project - $40,170 USD Tuilam, 2023
Southampton Rotary Club working on behalf of Hand Up is currently working with the Rotary Club of Huehuetenango to install 8 rain harvesters in the remote highland village of Tuilam to provide a supplementary source of clean water for 85 families. The grant was formally approved by the Rotary Foundation on June 23rd, 2023 with a provisional onsite start date of Fall 2023.
Further projects in Guatemala are currently under evaluation. If you would like to know about what we are thinking about...just ask us. (see contact details above)