Since opening this website July 1, 2004 we have received a number of questions from district Rotarians. Some of the more frequent questions are addressed here.
This website is part of a commercial service called "ClubRunner" which specializes in developing websites for Rotary clubs, districts and zones. Our home Zone 22 uses ClubRunner as do several of the clubs in our district. It is a commercial product available to any Rotary club at a reasonable monthly fee, click here for more information.

The website is called "database driven" by the trade because most of the content is stored in a computerized database. This means it is easy for non computer people to add or change information on the site. With appropriate access rights, any club member can change his record, add new members and post other club information. However, the district website is not a substitute for a club website. While you can find a wealth of information about the district and its clubs on this site, individual clubs will still want to have their own club site.

Now, here are the answers to some of the more frequent questions we receive:

Q. Do I have to login to use the site?
A. No, anyone on the planet can view this site, and hopefully will. However, to change any information or to view private items such as telephone numbers and email addresses of district officers, you do need to login first - this is a security measure we take on your behalf.

Q. How do I login?
A. Easy! If you have already obtained your login name and password, simply click the LOGIN button on the home page. If you have never logged in before, click here, enter your club, your last name and your email address and login information will be sent to you immediately.

Q. My name is misspelled, how can I correct it?
A. When the website was first setup in May of 2004, we got permission to do a one time upload of name and address data from RI, warts and all. If you name is misspelled on this site, it is also misspelled in Rotary International's records, ditto with address errors. Maybe that's why you aren't getting the Rotarian magazine! Simply login to the website and change any information on your own record. Note, these corrections do not automatically go to RI. To correct errors in the RI records, talk to your club secretary.

Q. After logging in, I can't access some of the menu items, why not?
A. Some of the items on the menu require a higher level of security for access. Security level is assigned based upon your function in Rotary. Club officers, for example, can submit attendance information and access the record of any member of their own club. Want more access? Volunteer to be a club or district officer!

Q. I am a club secretary, how do I report monthly attendance?
A. Login. Under the FOR CLUB EXECUTIVES section, select "Club Attendance Report". Fill in the fields on the screen and click SAVE. Your data will be automatically inserted into the district's database.

Q. How do I enter club events for posting on the district website?
A. At present you can't, we can't. The district can only post events of general district wide interest. However, we are currently in discussion with ClubRunner to make club event posting available on our site. In the meantime, clubs which already use a ClubRunner site will see their events automatically show up on the district site.

Q. I have a district level function, why is my name not in the online district directory?
A. Patience, we may not have finished listing everything yet. It take more than 100 volunteer Rotarians to administer the district each year and we just may not have gotten finished with the entry process yet. If you still don't see your name in the directory by August 1st, email the Website Committee.